Starting off as an eBay, brothers Gabby & Hezi Leibovich built an empire one happy customer at a time. Launching in 2017, Catch beat Amazon to become the first direct marketplace competitor to eBay in Australia.

With a reputation for high quality and fair value products, customer loyalty is alive and well on Catch, and third party sellers sales are generally going strong across most categories.  Catch is a curated marketplace meaning you require an invitation to become a Catch seller and need to satisfy them that you meet their high standards.

Connect your webstore to Catch to bring your products to the millions of loyal customers and Club Catch members that shop there each day. 

You can launch your Catch store and manage it entirely from within your ZELLIS Connect Maropost Commerce Cloud dashboard.

Follow the links below to learn how it works, how to connect your Catch store and manage it from within your control panel:

For assistance in setting up Catch marketplace integration, please contact us here.

New to Catch? Click here to sign up. 
